
Brother's Keeper Scroll 15

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Scroll Fifteen


A/N: Edited on 11/29/15


The next day, Aisuru came again and dressed his wounds saying barely anything but acknowledging the dead rabbit in the corner. Before she left, InuYasha asked if she wanted some. She gave him a look and left before answering his question.

"Keh, your loss." InuYasha muttered.

Looking at his wound, InuYasha felt disgruntled by the slow healing process. Why does this wound take so long to heal How is this different than any other wound I've received? InuYasha thought bitterly.

Speaking of being bitter, InuYasha finally dressed himself and walked towards Sesshomaru's room. Sliding open the door, InuYasha glared around the room expecting another fight to break out at any time. However, to his surprise, Sesshomaru's room was empty. Sesshomaru's items were stacked neatly in the corner and his bed was made as if he had not slept in it the night before.

"Now where is he?" InuYasha snarled to himself.

Taking one more quick glance around the room. InuYasha stepped out into the hallway and began to scour the castle. He had not made it far when he ran into the twins, Takaishizuka and Takaisubarashii.

"Hey Tsueesenshi!" One of the twins greeted. InuYasha held back the snarl to remind them that Tsueesenshi was not his name. "Are you looking for the Young Lord Sesshomaru?"

"Yeah." InuYasha replied.

"He went out with his mother." Takaishizuka said.

"She has him for the rest of the day. So be thankful." Takaisubarashii added to his brother's comment.

"Well, that's a relief." InuYasha muttered.

"She is the only one that the Young Lord Sesshomaru will listen to without argument." Takaishizuka said, "She can freeze any male dog demon in her tracks and almost none of them will cross her."

InuYasha listened to his comments and though back to the real Sesshomaru. He never mentioned his mother now that InuYasha thought about it, and it never occurred to InuYasha to even ask. InuYasha always thought that maybe his father and Sesshomaru's mother were royalty and had a son to continue the heir to the Western Lands.

"What do you plan on doing today Tsueesenshi?" Takaisubarashii asked.

"My name is not Tsueesenshi! It's InuYasha!"

"Sigh…again with this argument?" Takaishizuka clasped his hand over his eyes.

"It's not an argument, its fact!" InuYasha spat. "Besides, what I plan to do is none of your business!"

"He's planning to run away again." Aisuru said as she appeared around the corner, hands in her sleeves. InuYasha glared at her with hateful eyes.

"No I wasn't."

"Really?" Aisuru gave him a look. "The moment you knew that you didn't have to be someone, you got that look in your eye."

"What are you, my mother?" InuYasha immediately regretted saying it. Aisuru visibly puffed up in in anger and snarled at him.

"That wasn't a good idea." Takaishizuka whispered to him.

"Aisuru's mother died giving birth to her." Takaisubarashii added.

"Well my mother is dead too. So what?" InuYasha kept digging himself into a deeper hole.

"Apparently, you were never taught any manners!" Aisuru snapped and stormed down the hall. "And if I hear that you leave this castle again, Lord Touga will be the least of your worries!" With that, she disappeared around the corner.

"She likes you." Takaishizuka said.

"Pretty obvious." Takaisubarashii pointed out.

"Will you two shut up?!" InuYasha threw up his hands. "You can't finish your own comments!" The twins frowned at him and crossed their arms.

"Look Tsuees—InuYasha, or whatever you're calling yourself now. We have always acted like this. Moreover, you always made a joke about it. It never has bothered you." Takaishizuka glared.

"Never has, and I'm going to have to agree with Aisuru about your manners." Takaisubarashii added. InuYasha felt a slight pain shoot up his side from his wound, and he grimaced. Getting angry was only aggravating it.

"Look, I'm not Tsueesenshi, and never will be him." InuYasha glared back. "Besides, more than likely, Tsueesenshi is dead." The twins bristled a bit, but said nothing. InuYasha turned to walk away when he glanced back and decided to ask them a question. "I ran into some weird demons when I first left the castle. Do you know anything about them?"

The twins eyes got bigger and they looked at each other, not appearing to want to answer the question.

"Those demons have caused this castle some grief in the past few years." Takaishizuka replied.

"You're lucky they didn't kill you." Takaisubarashii said.

"Why are they a problem? I'm honestly looking for a good fight." InuYasha smirked cracking his knuckles.

"With that injury? You wouldn't last very long." Takaishizuka shook his head.

"Most demons that go after them we only usually get their head back, without a body attached." Takaisubarashii grimaced.

"They did try to cut my head off, now that you mentioned it." InuYasha rubbed his neck. "What the hell do they want?"

"No one really knows much…" Takaishizuka started.

"…but we think that their leader wants something to do with Lord Touga." Takaisubarashii finished.

"That's it?" InuYasha crossed his arms. "Not much to go on that."

"No one has every survived to tell us." Takaishizuka said.

"Hopefully, Lord Touga will take care of them." Takaisubarashii boasted. "He usually is too powerful to be stopped by a bunch of low-life demons wanting attention."

"If they've cause this much death, why hasn't he gone after them?" InuYasha asked. "You would think that if someone killed someone in my group, they would be first on my list to die."

"Lord Touga has a lot on his mind." Takaishizuka said.

"They're just one of those nuisances he has yet to rid the land of." Takaisubarashii pointed out.

InuYasha could not help but wonder why some "low-life" demons could kill a powerful dog demon so close to his territory. Either the twins were leaving something out, or they honestly did not know.

"I smell rabbit on you." Takaishizuka said.

"Where did you find them?" Takaisubarashii asked.

"That courtyard over there." InuYasha pointed in the other direction. "Though, I've already taken most of them and skinned them in my room."

"Haven't had rabbit in a while. Though, it doesn't fill you up as much." Takaishizuka sighed.

"Me either, though I always loved a good hunt." Takaisubarashii smiled. "Remember the hunting days, brother?"


InuYasha found a way to sneak off while they began to get deep in conversation. As he rounded the corner, Aisuru was there waiting for him, her arms crossed.

"Why are you following me?" InuYasha snarled.

"Someone has to keep an eye on you." Aisuru said. InuYasha just glared at her and began to walk down the hallway. Aisuru followed close behind him.

"What do you know about those demons?" InuYasha asked.

Aisuru visibly flinched, "Not very much. I just hate them."

"Why? Did they kill someone you know?"

"Yes!" Aisuru snapped.

"Alright, jeez." InuYasha rolled his eyes. "You know why I want to run away!?" InuYasha turned around and glared at her. "Because I don't belong here! I belong somewhere else, with someone else, and I'm on a mission to fix something that is partly my fault!"

"Oh really?" Aisuru asked. "And that old well has something to do with it?"

"Yes!" InuYasha snapped.

"I see." Aisuru sighed. "You're a real stubborn."

"Yeah, well, get used to it!" InuYasha growled. "Until I'm back where I belong, this is what you get!"

InuYasha stormed off, but before he could, he sensed pain coming from Aisuru, but it was fleeting and she disappeared around the corner. InuYasha sighed and glared down the empty hallway.

What were the others doing? Was Kagome all right?


Kagome entered the house with a sigh. InuYasha can be such a jerk! Kagome thought bitterly. Grunting, she went up to her room to lie down on the bed.

I'm surprised he hasn't come after me for three days. Kagome thought. She got up from the bed and opened up her textbook. It did not help, she had promised to be back by now, but her friends and persistent Hojo had been distracting her.

Kagome got up and began stuffing her backpack with the usual to go back to the Feudal Era. She made sure to pack some extra Ramen for InuYasha. Part of her was glad he had not been at her home nagging her to return, but at the same time, it was somewhat sweet when he did.

"Bye Mom!" Kagome waved as she passed through the kitchen.

"Bye sweetie, say hello to InuYasha for me!"

"I will!"

Kagome jogged towards the shed that held the Bone Eaters Well and grabbed the side. She froze, something did not feel right, and for a second she stepped away from the well and looked down below.

"Why do I have this sense of dread?" Kagome asked herself. Taking and deep breathe, she ignored her instincts and leaped into the well.

The aura lit up and she felt herself time traveling back to the Feudal Era. As the magic began to dissipate, Kagome reached her hand out, expecting a clawed one to grab hold. It never did, and Kagome crashed to the bottom of the well.

"Ouch!" Kagome hissed in pain, and grabbed her knee. It was bleeding, but it was nothing more than a surface scratch. Cussing to herself, Kagome got out her first aid kit and wrapped up her wound.

"InuYasha?" Kagome called up. No answer.

"InuYasha?" Grunting, Kagome realized she would have to get herself out the old-fashioned way. Grabbing the roots on the side of the well, she heaved her way up and found herself staring out into the Feudal Era sky.

"I always like seeing this sight." Kagome smiled and sat down on the edge of the well dropping her backpack beside her. For a minute she cherished the alone time since she really never got any after she formed the group she had with InuYasha, Miroku, Sango, and Shippo.

"Alright, time to go Naraku hunting!" Kagome said excitedly. She took a step off the well when her foot landed on some soft uneven turf. Kagome crashed to the ground again, the second time today, and got up brushing off the dirt.

"What in the world did I…?" Kagome froze, her eyes got big when she realized what her foot had stepped onto.

"InuYasha…?" Kagome called, starting at what appeared to be a lifeless body. His skin was grey, his gold eyes open and dull, his mouth slightly open, and his clawed hand an open grasp around Tessaiga.

Scroll Fifteen of Brother's Keeper.

Preview Image commissioned piece by *FanasY

Scroll Fourteen-…
Scroll Sixteen-…

(c) Rumiko Takahashi
(c) InuYashaReader
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